The following task lists steps that should be performed after every installation of Project Portal.
To complete the installation:
Create symbolic links from the user home directories to the Project Portal and httpd directories with the following commands.
$ ln –sf /home/kronodoc/pp2012_2/Kronodoc /home/kronodoc/
$ ln –sf /home/Kronodoc/pp2012_2/httpd /home/kronodoc/
Create automatic start-up scripts as the root user by copying the kronodoc.redhat file from pp2012_2/httpd/support to /etc/init.d/. If there are several Project Portal installations on the same server, change the script's name to something more descriptive of the application. Edit the script with your favorite text editor to point to the httpd directory of the kronodoc installation.
Change this line:
As root, install the script to start Project Portal when the server is booted:
chkconfig --add kronodoc
Also set the appropriate levels for the script:
chkconfig --level 345 kronodoc on
If you want to use customer-specific icons with workspaces (optional), create a directory in the user's home directory named customer-icons and link it to Kronodoc/KRONO-WWW/icons:
mkdir /home/kronodoc/customer-icons
ln –s /home/Kronodoc/customer-icons /home/kronodoc/Kronodoc/KRONO-WWW/icons/
Copy the icons there and you will be able to refer to them in URL boxes or folder descriptions with KRONO-WWW/icons/customer-icons/<iconname>.
Restart Project Portal and execute the following tests: